
Friday, January 15, 2010

Westbound Day 9 Parker KS to Wichita KS 174 miles

The migration to Kansas actually ends in Wichita since two of William and Sarah's grandchildren eventually migrated to Wichita.  This leg of my trip is to see the Wichita cousins and educate them about how they came to live in Kansas today.  It would be a big effort to document all the other places the descendants of William and Sarah live today.  I have been able to find their descendants living in Kansas, Oklahoma, Florida, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Alabama, Illinois, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oregon, Iraq, Hong Kong, Tennessee, and New York.  I am certain I have only accounted for a handful.

I intend to remain in Wichita for about a week then start the drive east.  There will be fewer stops and diversions going eastbound since I fulfilled the goal of the trip going westbound.  According to google maps I should be able to shorten the mileage to about 1400 miles versus the 2205 westbound.

I will be posting observations and impressions that have struck me as I make this trip that have nothing to do with genealogical research but more to do with what the county looks like from the road.  Watch for these posts beginning January 19, 2010.

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